How to Write Awards and Honors Section on a Resume
12 October 20225 min read
Wisedoc Expert Team

When applying for a particular job opening, apart from listing the experience and skills that you have, one of the aspects of your resume that can make your application stand out amongst those of other applicants is your awards and honors section.

The honors and awards you've gotten will give recruiters an idea of what you're capable of and what they can expect from your future performance.

Therefore, you must capitalize on the sections and make it as appealing as possible.

In this article, we will examine how to write your awards in a way that will convince the recruiters that you are the best fit for the role you're applying for. Let’s dive into how to write the awards and honors section in your resume.

In this article, we will talk about:
  • What Awards and Honors Should You List on Your Resume
  • Types of Awards and Honors to Include (With Examples)
  • How You Should List the Awards and Honors on Your Resume
What Awards and Honors Should You List on Your Resume?

From receiving the award for the best-behaved pupil to your 12th-grade basketball championship award or community volunteering certificate award, chances are that you've received a myriad of awards.

However, you do not need to list all of them in your resume.

Not only will doing that make your resume look stuffy it will also make it difficult to read through.

Questions that you want to ask yourself:

  1. Is this a well-known award in this field?
  2. Does this award reflect any of my hard or soft skills?
  3. Does the award support that you have been recognized for your previous role?
  4. Will you value these awards if you are the job recruiter?

The awards and honors you should include on your resume are primarily those that are either relevant to the job roles, or they reflect your capability.

Types of Awards and Honors to Include in Your Resume

Below are awards you can include in your resume to stand out amongst other applicants.

Education Awards

Awards that point to outstanding educational achievements, such as valedictorian award or an award that showcase an office you held, are a great option to add to your resume, especially if you have little job experience or no professional awards.

Academic awards that show office held will also tell the recruiters you have some soft skills, and it may shed a positive light on your application.

Example of Educational Awards:

  • Student of the year/ valedictorian
  • Honor societies awards
  • University awards
  • Research grants
  • Departmental/ Faculty awards
  • Honor roll/ Dean's list
  • Fellowships
  • Scholarship (it could from your school, other companies, or even government)
  • Company/ Industry Awards

    If you've gotten some awards from your previous workplace, it is always a great idea to include them in your resume. This will show your recruiters that you were a valuable employee in your previous workplace, and you may prove likewise for their organization.

    Industry awards prove that you are outstanding beyond the organization you work for and should also be included in your resume.

    Example of Company/ Industry Awards:

  • Employee of the month awards
  • Leadership or peer awards
  • Innovation awards
  • Teamwork awards
  • Annual Best Seller
  • Driving success awards
  • Performance awards such as teacher of the year and so on
  • Included in a roundup list of outstanding people in your industry. E.g., "Recognized as one of the 30 under 30 outstanding Women in Data Science in North America."
  • Community Awards

    You can also include community awards that are relevant to the role you're applying for. This will put you in a positive light and show that you can work with others and is interested in making a positive impact in your community.

    Example of Community Awards:

  • Award of Excellence for exemplary leadership in a particular community project
  • Best Community Volunteer Award
  • Community Action Awards
  • Community Hero Award
  • Other Awards

    Other awards to include:

  • Athletic awards
  • Military honors
  • Popular awards such as the Eagle Scout for Boys Scouts and so on
  • Cultural awards
  • How You Should List the Awards on Your Resume

    Now that you know which awards to include, here are tips for listing them on your resume.

    Write them in an easy-to-understand way and in a way that ensures the most important information comes first.

    You can include your awards and honors under your education or work experience section or have a separate section for it.

    Write out the name of the award, the year it was awarded, who awarded it, and what it signifies.

    Separate Awards and Honors section


    [Award Title]
    [Issued Time]
    [Organization Name], [Organization Address]


    TOP Seller of the Year
    Dec 2015
    Purchase Ford, Mayfield, KY 42066

  • Sold 148 cars in total in 2015
  • Example:

    Above and Beyond Award
    Mar 2009
    University of Missouri, Columbia, MO 65211

  • Rewarded for exceptional efforts in ensuring high-quality teaching
  • Under The Work Experience Section

    Under An Educational Section

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