COVID-19 Vaccination Status is the New Must-Have on Your Resume

Job hunts are as competitive today as they were two years ago. However, the COVID-19 pandemic has certainly changed things for many job hunters. One of the developing trends as the pandemic rages on is your vaccination status. Regardless of what your thoughts are on vaccination and its role in the workforce, there is something that you should be considering for your resume: stating your vaccination status. Here’s what you should know.
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As many of the recent headlines will tell you, there is, indeed, a trend in hopeful job applicants putting their vaccination status on their resume in a place of power. But what is it about? Is this a short-term fad trend, or is it something that you should be seriously thinking about as you revamp your resume for another round of submissions?
Experts agree that your vaccination status is going to be integral to your resume for at least several years since we can all understand by now that the pandemic itself isn’t going anywhere anytime soon. If you are looking at making your resume the strongest it can be, your vaccination status is going to be a factor that you can consider adding in!
Simply put, recruiters care about your vaccination status because it makes things easier. With mandates changing every few weeks on regulations and restrictions with the workforce in traditional work environments for those who are unvaccinated or partially vaccinated without a medical exemption, a recruiter has enough to worry about with onboarding.
As a direct result, recruiters are starting to consider or eliminate someone purely based on their vaccination status. It sounds extreme when you see it stated as plainly as that, but looking at the details helps explain it a bit more. Stating that you are vaccinated can help recruiters:
- Understand the company’s needs for testing, mask use, etc.: Realistically, your vaccine status is going to be a hiring factor. If they know that you are fully vaccinated (or at least are planned to be), then they won’t need to consider potential complications like weekly testing, mask mandates, etc. This adds a lot of pressure since these requirements are under scrutiny, too.
At the same time, it helps recruiters understand that you, as a possible applicant, understand the importance of vaccination status for them. This shows how much of a team player you are and can help advance you further!
- Match your status with your social media presence: Most, if not all, recruiters will check your social media presence to get a feel for what you are talking about. If you are posting about COVID-19 and vaccination, they’ll expect to see that it’s either neutral or positive information, rather than the anti-vax content. If there is a mismatch, you can consider yourself officially left off the shortlist!
To be clear, this doesn’t mean that you have to post about vaccinations and COVID-19 if you normally wouldn’t. It just means that there shouldn’t be false information on your resume!
- See your dedication to your job hunt: Another thing is that recruiters will see that you are dedicated to doing your part to make the job hunt easier. You want to gain employment at a place that values you as much as you value them. Stating your status clearly and plainly will help the recruiter see, understand, and appreciate that as you take the initiative.
It’s important to know that your COVID-19 vaccination status won’t be the only thing that they consider when looking at a job application.
But the status is a new perk that you can add to your resume for recruiters to consider as well. In many cases, recruiters will actually prioritize people based on their COVID-19 vaccine status. If you are applying for a job that has a lot of competition, this can make the difference in the first round of interviews!
Are you feeling uncertain about listing your vaccination? It’s understandable since we’re still adapting to a workforce where COVID-19 restrictions and requirements are now considered standard.
The decision to put your vaccination status on your resume or job application is a personal decision. Unless explicitly stated on the application itself, it is not a required field for you to fill out. You will be asked to share your status during an interview, or at least in the paperwork stage if you are offered the job. Sometimes putting it on the resume saves time and hassle with that part since the recruiters can check your status and confirm it before you are booked for an interview.
So, let’s take a look at the elephant in the room: you aren’t vaccinated. If this is the case and you do not intend to do so, you won’t want to put that on your resume. This is assuming that you do not have a medical exemption, of course.
In a situation where you’ve chosen to remain unvaccinated, you’ll want to bring that up during the interview process, where you can explain it more in detail. This should involve a clear and actionable plan on your part about how you aim to be a responsible employee through regular testing, mask-wearing, or whatever it is that will be expected of you. You’ll need to be absolutely sure that the job that you are applying for does not require vaccination, of course!
Whether we like it or not, COVID-19 and vaccinations are going to be around for quite some time. When it comes to moving on with our daily lives, this means considering details like vaccination status and whether or not we wish to disclose that on our resume. If you decide that this is the approach that you want to take -- recommended for those who are fully vaccinated -- then you’ll want to use [the right tools]( to help you do it the right way.
You can add your vaccination status manually to your resume. Whenever you change the format or design of your resume, you have to rearrange the vaccination status label again.
Or you could try to use Wisedoc Resume builder, for which we have already integrated the label "vaccination status" into every in-built template. You can easily switch between adding and removing the label whenever you want. Your vaccination status tag will be displayed in the most prominent position next to your name that the recruiter will never miss.